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Chinese schrijvers

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Sū Dōngpō 苏东坡 Song Schrijver en calligraaf.
Wèi Bóyáng 魏伯阳 Auteur en alchemist.
Luó Guànzhōng 罗贯中 Author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Zuǒ Sī 左思 0250 (ca.) Jin Schrijver en dichter.
Gĕ Hóng 葛洪 0283-0343 Jin Wikipedia Alchemist en Daoist. Schreef o.a. Stories of the Immortals.
Cháo Bǔzhī 晁补之 Song (Northern)
Mèng Qĭ 孟綮 Tang Schreef o.a. Stories behind Poems.
Wáng Shífǔ 王实甫 1295-1307 Schreef o.a. Romance of the West Chamber.
Lù Wénfū 陆文夫 20e eeuw
Hé Shēn 何申 1951- He Shen heeft verschillende romans en collecties van romans geschreven.
Ā Níng 阿宁 1959-
Yī Xiàngdōng 衣向东 1964-
Zhōu Shùrén 周树人 1881-1936 Echte naam van Lu Xun
Lǔ Xùn 鲁迅 1881-1936 Regarded as the father of modern Chinese literature. Schreef o.a. de collecties korte verhalen Páng Huáng en Nàhăn
Bā Jīn 巴金 1904-2005 Pseudonym van Li Feigan. Auteur van de trilogie Jiā, Chūn, Qiū
Li Feigan 1904-2005 Anarchist author of novels popular in the thirties
Guō Mòruò 郭沫若 1892-1978 Communist party intellectual and cultural apparatchik. Modern Chinese literature, well known scholar and social activist.
Cáo Xuĕqín 曹雪芹 1715-1764 Qing Novelist, author of the masterpiece, "Dream of the Red Mansions".
Sīmă Guāng 司马光 1019-1086 Song (Northern) Politician and historian of Northern Song, author of "Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government".
Yù Dáfū 郁达夫 1896-1945 Novelist and poet.
Jīn Yōng 金庸 1924- Ook wel Louis Cha genoemd. Famous Wuxia writer, author of Condor Hero Trilogy.
Wú Chéng'ēn 吴承恩 1500-1582 Author (or compiler) of novel Journey to the West
Kǒng Fūzĭ 孔夫子 -0551-0479 BC
Chén Shòu 陈寿 Jin (Western) Historian, author of History of the Three Kingdoms.
Fáng Xuánlíng 房玄龄 0579-0658 Tang Tang dynasty historian, compiler of History of Jin dynasty
Shen Jiji 0777-0800 Tang
Sīmă Qiān 司马迁 -0145-0086 BC Han Author of Records of the Grand Historian, known as the father of Chinese historiography
Zhuāngzĭ 庄子 -0369-0286 BC Han
Zhuāng Zhōu 庄周 -0369-0286 BC Han Zie Zhuāngzĭ.
Sū Qín 苏秦 -0340-0284 BC Warring States Period Political strategist of the School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period.
Zuǒ Qiūmíng 左丘明 -0556-0451 BC Famous blind historian from Lu to whom the history Zuo Zhuan is attributed
Lǚ Bùwéi 吕不韦 -0291-0235 BC Qin Merchant and politician of the state of Qin, subsequent Qin Dynasty Chancellor, allegedly the father of Ying Zheng, who subsequently became the first emperor Qin Shihuang.
Hán Fēi 韩非 -0280-0233 BC Warring States Period Legalist philosopher of the Warring States Period.
Bān Gù 班固 0032-0092 BC Han (Eastern) Eastern Han dynasty historian, wrote the Dynastic History of Western Han.
Fàn Yè 范晔 Song Historian from Song of the Southern Dynasties, author of History of Eastern Han.
Liú Yìqìng 刘义庆 0403-0444 Song (South) Compiler and editor of A New Account of the Tales of the World.
O1uyáng Xiū 欧阳修 1007-1072 Song (Northern) Northern Song dynasty prose writer and historian.
Sòng Qí 宋祁 0998-1061 Tang Song dynasty poet and writer, coauthor of History of the Later Tang Dynasty.
Tuōtuō 脱脱 1314-1355 Yuan Mongol politician during the Yuan dynasty, prime minister until 1345, compiled three dynastic histories of Song, Liao and Jin.
Also called Tuoketuo.
Lĭ Shízhēn 李时珍 1518-1593 Ming Ming botanist and pharmacologist, author of Compendium of Medicinal Herbs.
Féng Jìcái 冯骥才 1942- Feng Jicai (...), novelist from Tianjin, author of Extraordinary people in our ordinary world.
Lù Wénfū 陆文夫 1928-2005 Lu Wenfu. His main works are some collections of short stories.
Sū Tóng 苏童 1963- Su Tong.
Wáng Huáiyǔ 王怀宇 1966- Wang Huaiyu. He published a novel, novella and short stories.
Qiú Shānshān 裘山山 1958- Qiu Shanshan. She has published all kinds of works, from novels, collections of short stories, to biographical literature and film and television plays. She has won several awards.
Xú Kūn 徐坤 1965- Xu Kun. She is one of the most noteworthy contemporary writers of China. She has won many literature awards.
Mó Yán 莫言 1956- Wikipedia (Engels) Mo Yan, pseudonym van Guan Moye.
Hij heeft in 2012 de Nobelprijs voor de literatuur gewonnen.
Guăn Móyè 管莫业 1956- Guan Moye, echte naam van Mo Yan.
Yú Huá 余华 1960- Yu Hua, 1 van de meest gevierde schrijvers van China. Heeft veel prijzen gewonnen voor zijn werk.
Qián Zhōngshū 钱锺书 1910-1998 Qian Zhongshu (ook geschreven als 钱钟书), o.a. schrijver van "The Besieged City" (of "Fortress Besieged").
Ā Yì 阿益 1973- A Yi (echte naam is Liu Yi).
Liu Yì 1973- Liu Yi, echte naam van A Yi.
Liáng Xiăoshēng 梁晓声 1949- Wikipedia (Engels) Liang Xiaosheng, hedendaagse Chinese schrijver en professor aan de Beijing Language University.
Liú Qìngbāng 刘庆邦 Liu Qingbang, hedendaagse Chinese schrijver. Hij is vooral bekend van korte verhalen.
Xiè Jìngyuán 谢竞远 Xie Jingyuan, jonge Chinese schrijver. Hij is vooral bekend van korte verhalen en essays.
Chén Róng 谌容 1936- Chen Rong. Ze begon met schrijven in 1978, en werd in de 80-er jaren beroemd door haar novella Rén Dào Zhōng Nián (人到中年).
Bì Shūmĭn 毕淑敏 1952- Bi Shumin. 1 van de meest invloedrijke moderne Chinese schrijfsters. Ze was oorspronkelijk dokter, en begon in 1987 met schrijven. In haar werk probeert ze de essentie van het leven weer te geven, op gebieden als psychologie, ethiek en fysiologie.
Zhōu Dàxīn 周大新 1952- Zhou Daxin. Is in 1982 begonnen met schrijven, en heeft al veel werken gepubliceerd. Veel van zijn werk gaat over het leven op en de landschappen van het platteland. Hij is sterk betrokken bij de toekomst van de mensheid.

© Henk Dalmolen
Reageer via E-mail (dalmolen@xs4all.nl)

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