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Hacking Tools



Index van hacking tools

Type actie Tool In Kali? GUI? Free? Info
Investigate firewall presence wafw00f yes no yes
Inspect security certificate of web server SSLyze yes yes yes
Security certificate of web server, Inspect SSLyze yes yes yes
Directory bruteforcing tool gobuster no no yes
Certificate, Inspect security SSLyze yes yes yes
Certificate, Inspect security SSLyze yes yes yes
ARP reconnaisance Netdiscover yes no yes
Local network scan Netdiscover yes no yes
Scan, Local network Netdiscover yes no yes
Scanning Zenmap yes yes yes
Scanning nmap yes no yes
WhatWeb yes no yes Web scanner
BlindElephant no Web scanner
Scanning masscan yes no yes Large IP ranges
Scanning Zmap no Large IP ranges
Configuration compliance nmap yes no yes
Enumeration nmap yes no yes
Vulnerability scanning nmap yes no yes
Fingerprinting nmap yes no yes
Reconnaisance nmap yes no yes
Reconnaisance Amap no
Reconnaisance Whois yes no yes Query and response protocol for Internet resources
Foca (Fingerprinting Organizations with Collected Archives) yes Find metadata and hidden info in docs
Reconnaisance Nslookup yes no yes Query DNS
Enumeration Nslookup
Reconnaisance Theharvester yes no yes Collects emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners
Reconnaisance Shodan no yes Search engine to find webcams, routers, etc.
Maltego yes Conducts open source intelligence, and makes a visual representation of relationships
Reconnaisance Recon-NG yes no yes Open source web reconnaisance framework, written in Python
Reconnaisance Censys no yes yes Zoekmachine voor hosts en networks met gegevens over hun configuratie
Reconnaisance aircrack-ng
Password cracking (offline) aircrack-ng
Brute-forcing services aircrack-ng
Brute-forcing services Patator yes no yes
Brute-forcing services Medusa yes no yes
Brute-forcing services Hydra yes no yes Online password cracking
Brute-forcing services xHydra
Password cracking (offline) John the Ripper yes no yes
Password cracking (offline) Mimikatz yes no yes
Brute-forcing services Mimikatz yes no yes
Password cracking (offline) Cain and Abel no yes Windows
Network sniffing Cain and Abel no yes Windows
Brute-forcing services Cain and Abel no yes Windows
Password cracking (offline) Hashcat yes no yes
Reconnaisance Kismet yes yes yes
Reconnaisance WiFite yes no yes
Reconnaisance Wireshark yes yes yes
Wireshark yes yes yes
Reconnaisance Hping no no
Enumeration Hping no no
Reconnaisance SET (Social-Engineer Toolkit) yes no yes Penetration testing framework for social engineering
Evasion Metasploit framework
Evasion Proxychains no Force TCP connections from all applications to run through a proxy
Evasion Route
Reconnaisance Metasploit framework
Persistence Metasploit framework
Persistence SET (Social-Engineer Toolkit) yes no yes Penetration testing framework for social engineering
Evasion SET (Social-Engineer Toolkit) yes no yes Penetration testing framework for social engineering
Persistence SSH (Secure Shell) Uses encryption to create a secure channel between client and server. Use instead of Telnet.
Persistence BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) yes Hook a web browser for launching command modules and attacks
Persistence Powersploit Post exploitation framework, collection of Powershell modules
Persistence Empire no no PowerShell and Python post exploitation agent
Persistence Drozer
Post exploitation Responder yes no yes LLMNR, NBT-NS en MDNA poisoner
Impacket yes no yes Python classes for working with network protocols. Focused on low level program access for SMB and MSRPC protocol
Persistence NCAT no Reading, writing, redirecting and encrypting data on a network (opvolger van Netcat, van makers nmap)
Persistence NETCAT no Reading, writing, redirecting and encrypting data on a network
Vulnerability scanning Metasploit framework
Searchsploit yes no yes Search tool for the exploit DB
Vulnerability scanning Nikto yes no yes
Configuration compliance Nikto yes no yes
Vulnerability scanning Skipfish yes no yes General purpose
Vulnerability scanning OpenVAS yes yes General purpose
Configuration compliance OpenVAS yes yes General purpose
Vulnerability scanning Nessus yes no General purpose
Configuration compliance Nessus yes no General purpose
Vulnerability scanning SQLmap yes no yes Detecteren en exploiteren van SQL injection problemen
Configuration compliance SQLmap yes no yes Detecteren en exploiteren van SQL injection problemen
Decompilation Interactive DisAssembler (IDA) yes no
Decompilation Hopper
Decompilation Immunity debugger
Debugging Immunity debugger
Debugging Ollydbg no yes yes
Debugging Gnu Debugger (GDB) yes no yes
Debugging WinDbg no yes yes
Debugging Interactive DisAssembler (IDA)
Decompilation APK Studio
Debugging APK Studio
Decompilation Android APK decompilation for the lazy (APKX)
dotdotpwn n n y Directory traversal fuzzer (met apt-get te downloaden in Kali)
Debugging Android APK decompilation for the lazy (APKX)
Fuzzing (Software assurance) AFL (American Fuzzy Lop) yes Open source, text based security fuzzer
Fuzzing (Software assurance) Peach no Identify vulnerabilities by conducting fuzzing
Security testing (Software assurance) Findsecbugs Security audits of Java apps before deployment
Security testing (Software assurance) Findbugs Security audits of Java apps before deployment
Security testing (Software assurance) SonarQube Open source platform. Automatic static code reviews to find vulnerabilities and bugs in about 20 programming languages.
Security testing (Software assurance) YASCA (Yet Another Source Code Analyzer) Open source code scanner. Uses plugins.
Forensics Foremost
Forensics FTK
Forensics EnCase
Forensics Tableau
Brute-forcing services SQLmap yes no yes Detecteren en exploiteren van SQL injection problemen
Credential testing Dirbuster
Credential testing CeWL yes no yes
Vulnerability scanning W3AF
Burp Suite y y y Web application security. Free version has less possibilities.
Brute-forcing services W3AF
Vulnerability scanning OWASP ZAP Open source web application security scanner
Web server scanning Nikto yes no yes In de Nikto wiki vind je meer info
Web content scanning dirb yes no yes Zie Kali.org
Compiling code on Linux for Windows Mingw-w64 yes no yes
WPS attack Reaver
WPS attack Bully
Wordlist generator cupp
Credential attacks ncrack
Wifi wifijammer
Wifi wififisher
Wifi Wifi Pumpkin
Wifi Fern
Wordlists crunch
WCE (Windows Credentials Editor)
joomscan no no yes Zie Joomscan – OWASP Joomla Vulnerability Scanner Project
redfang no yes Aanroepen met fang, naam is redfang.
Zoek naar nondiscoverable Bluetooth devices.
Zie Redfang Homepage
Bluetooth BlueMaho
Bluetooth BlueRanger no no yes
Bluetooth BlueSnarfer yes no yes Zie BlueSnarfer homepage
Scanning for vulnerabilities Uniscan
Scanning for CMS vulnerabilities CMSmap
Database exploitation SQLNinja
DNS enumeration DNSEnum yes no yes
DNS enumeration Fierce yes no yes
DNS enumeration DNSRecon yes no yes
Packet generation/insertion Nemesis

Index van hacking techniques

Name Type Info
Reconnaisance Verzamelen van informatie voor je gaat aanvallen. Meestal via open source research of passief verzamelen van gegevens.
Enumeration Het maken van een actieve verbinding met het target, om zwakke punten te ontdekken.
Vulnerability scanning Diepgaand scannen van een target om vulnerabilities te ontdekken. Tools gebruiken om te zoeken naar ontbrekende patches and configuratiefouten.
Credential attacks Kan bestaan uit offline password cracking of brute forcing van online sites
Evasion Zorgen dat je niet wordt opgemerkt door systeembeheerders of verdedigingssoftware
Persistence Hoe kan je blijvend toegang houden tot het target systeem
Configuration compliance Kijken of een systeem voldoet aan een security baseline of policy
Decompilation Het omzetten van een executable in leesbare code
Forensics Verzamelen en analyzeren van digitaal bewijsmateriaal
Debugging Het vinden en oplossen van fouten in computerprogramma's
Software assurance


© Henk Dalmolen
Reageer via E-mail (dalmolen@xs4all.nl)

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